How To Make The Best Stuffed Zucchini Rolls

We are In Italy making new friends and finding the best of the best recipes Italian people are making new and cherished classics! This Zucchini Lasagna Rotolini seems to be a favorite on the table all around Italy in many different variations region to region.

Today I share with you my favorite take on this classic rustic family style dish. With layers of flavor, I begin with the end in mind. Knowing at the cornerstone of Italian cooking is finding the freshest, best ingredients for your recipe. Most recipes for me begin at the market to find top quality.

The first step will be to slice the zucchini long ways in very thin slices. I used a hand held potato slicer to be sure each slice was thin and even so it would be pliable to roll easily. Once all have been sliced lay them on a clean dish towel spread out flat and roll them up in the dish towel for an hour to remove excess moisture.

I start with sauteing a medley of meat and vegetables then adding each ingredient at a time. This Allows the flavors to combine correctly. Begin with olive oil and finely chopped garlic. adding in finely chopped carrots, meat, fresh parsley, salt, pepper, grated parmigiano cheese and a few chopped cherry tomatoes. Simmer Slowly on low.

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